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Re: Just an update from me on my lyme disease
Tergot223 Views: 4,988
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Re: Just an update from me on my lyme disease

I'm not going to reply to each of you guys, rather I'll do it in one post.

I'm going away for a few days tonight so I won't be able to reply to anything until at least tuesday.

These are the answers to questions as best I can give:

1. What am I taking, how am I using?

I am using Stephen Harrod Buhner's core herbal protocol. Here is the book:

and here is a simplified routine from a follower of his:

I used both of these to research which herbs to buy.

I have bought the following herbs:

polygonum cuspidatum - japanese knotweed

scutellaria baicalensis - skullcap

salvia miltiorrhiza

pueria lobata - kudzu

withania somnifera - ashwagandha

uncaria tomentosa - cat's claw

uncaria rhynchophylla

andrographis paniculata

artium lappa (burdock) root

echinacea angustifolia


polygonum cuspidatum - japanese knotweed

uncaria tomentosa - cat's claw

uncaria rhynchophylla

I started with a few drops of japanese knotweed and slowly increased the dosage.

I started around 20th January last month. Once i reach 1 tsp of each I phase in the next herb.

The plan is to take all of these herbs in time. The maximum dosage will differ according to each person and there is a lot of info in the book about what to take. I strongly urge everyone interested to buy Harrod's book because it is the best book I have ever read on disease. There herbs are not the only herbs that treat Lyme.

If you can't afford to buy all the herbs the core protocol is:

polygonum cuspidatum - japanese knotweed

uncaria tomentosa - cat's claw

andrographis paniculata

uncaria rhynchophylla

+ collagen support e.g. pueria lobata - kudzu + selenium 200mcg per day

95% of people will see a remission of symptoms with these 5 herbs (e.g. EC) if Lyme disease is what they have.

If you are skeptical you can try just polygonum cuspidatum - japanese knotweed + uncaria tomentosa - cat's claw and you may see a reversal of your EC from these two herbs on their own.

I currently take 2tbsp per day of polygonum cuspidatum - japanese knotweed and 2tsps uncaria tomentosa - cat's claw and a few drops of uncaria rhynchophylla

2. I am not currently treating any co-infections. It would cost me money I don't have at the moment to test for the co-infections. These herbs work for co-infections as well as Lyme. I will be getting a co-infection test done in approximately 6months. At the moment I am monitoring my symptoms and see how I respond to each herb.

3. I don't know of anyone who has similar symptoms. I believe my mother has Lyme induced Arthritis though and I will likely be devising a herbal protocol to help her pain.

4. Are my dry lips tied to any other symptoms? I think my dry nasal passage and dry lips are both related. I have recently noticed my nasal passage open up. It used to it feel very dry, cracked and coarse. I feel like I can breathe better and actually smell better. My lips are slippery and moist without having to lick them. I am focusing now on treating my other Lyme induced symptoms, such as my lichen sclerosus (skin disorder).

5. Read Harrod's book about co-infections. He has specific treatment protocols for each one. is extremely useful for anyone suffering from Lyme and they have a lot of knowledgable people.

6. Has my EC gone into remission since starting my lyme treatment? Yes. I made improvements from going gluten free however I don't think this is the cause of my EC. I have occasionally eaten gluten in the past two weeks. I believe the issue is that the Lyme disease causes immune suppression and because gluten adds to the toxic load of the body it can trigger allergic type responses (rashes, itching, etc) which makes a person think it is the gluten causing the problem when it may very well be caused from Lyme disease and co-infections. By treating the Lyme the immune system gradually suffers less and less from suppression and is better able to cope with toxic foods like gluten - I believe. Gluten is not good if you suffer from immune suppresion/auto-immune diseases.

7. What tests did I have? I had the Borrelia Elispot test (tested positive for 2 different strains of borrelia), CD3-/CD57+ Cells test, IgG-/IgM-Seraspot. So three tests in total. The Elispot was the most useful for me. I would e-mail the lab here:

They are a extremely competent lab.

Sirpreis you are lucky to live in Germany.

8. How am I sure it is lyme treatment making my lips go into remission? There is no evidence I can give other than the lips no longer drying and peeling. There has been a reduction in my other symptoms. My chronic fatigue has lifted and I feel amazing.

9. Where did I buy my tinctures? I purchased 100ml tincture of each herb to begin with. I found an online botanical store that sells them in the UK. If you live in the US you have much better access to herbs. This is a list of some recommended US retailers :

I did not buy from the US because I was concerned about customs issues. We live in a f***ed up world where you can't even buy a harmless plant without it causing problems for some people.

Soon I will be getting back into full time employment. I recently joined a gym and am progressing well. I feel fantastic.

The goal is to keep my symptoms in remission. The EC and chronic fatigue especially because they are the most deblitating socially.

I hope this helps someone. Good luck.


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