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Re: Healing my lips. (Daily pictures)
Johnnnnn Views: 4,243
Published: 8 y
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Re: Healing my lips. (Daily pictures)

12 Months. Im just applying more and more over time, which also had no major effect.

The issue is i also thought that this entire "aquaphor just maintains" mess is just people being frustrated. But i guess they are right, it just protects your skin and makes it smooth. And once you use it you will never be able to live without it. Thats the truth no one wants to hear. It is not a cure and besides Aquaphor there is also no way how to heal it.

I will try my best to stay away from curezone, since it did nothing to improve my condition. I recommend to not waste your time reading thread after thread. You can do as much research as you want, you can do tests, biopsies etc., but we cant ignore the fact that all these things didnt cure one single person. Till this day 99% of all members are still here waiting for something to change. I know there are a lot of cure/success threads, but once you start to look closer you actually see the ugly truth. Nothing but weird "almost cured" claims with no real evidence and almost every single time its just one person overreacting cause of a small improvement claiming he is cured. Maybe we should stop being delusional and accept the fact that this is a chronic disease. I thought talking to someone who has the same skin condition would help me, but in the end it made me depressed because once you read all these hopeless stories you give up in life. I dont know what will happen in the next few years and if im strong enough to live with this. But i will stop lying to myself and accepting the future i have to face.

This post sounds so dramatic haha. But its just the way i feel, and since everyone uses curezone just to express their emotions, instead of finding a solution i think thats fine.


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