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Re: Healing my lips. (Daily pictures)
Johnnnnn Views: 4,113
Published: 8 y
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Re: Healing my lips. (Daily pictures)

Because his skin peels different, its all over his lips. He also got yellow dots over his lips etc.

My EC is concentrated on a specific area on my bottom lip and this skin has somehow some space between the skin underneath it. That means it looks like a pillow. On the coners it it connected to the regular skin, but right in the middle you can basically move it around. Also it is not peeling when i moisturized it with Aquaphor.

Go and take a look in the picture folder. You will notice that there are definitely some different kinds of EC. A lot of people have similar symptoms. EC is in my opinion just an Umbrella term for peeling lips. But there is a huge variety of the actual condition. Thats why Aquaphor works for some people, but not for everyone.

And in the end of the day (i said this a lot of times) it is obvious that my condition is different compared to Daniel because he got cured using the moisturize method and my EC is still there. Thats evidence enough i guess haha


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