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Re: I need best medicine for cancer
loquat1 Views: 2,182
Published: 8 y
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Re: I need best medicine for cancer

Sounds like it might be stage IV, so I would choose one or more of the stage IV protocols from here:

and combine it with a couple of compatible protocols from here:

for additional support.

Considering this is an alternative medical support forum, where are all the expert responses? Chemo, etc? No, I don't think that's the way to go:

RE: Is cancertutor trustworthy?

by DharmaGirl on Mon Apr 21, 2014 04:05 PM

I started reading Cancer Tutor back in 2010 when my mom was dx with colorectal cancer. The website has really grown, so much information, it makes my head spin! My mom decided to use conventional cancer treatments and the family supported her, she was the pilot we were the co-pilot's. Unfortunately the chemo, radiation and surgeries that she had made her weaker and sicker, in the end she had no vains and her immune system was destroyed. But, with cancer you don't get any do-overs you have to make life and death decisions all of the time. My mom did tell me about six months before she died that she felt like it was not worth it because she had lost all of her independence (she couldn't do even the simplest things like cook, shower etc ) and was bedridden most of the time. Would alternative treatments have kept her alive? I don't know the answer to that but, I do know that conventional cancer treatments are not the answer either.




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