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Re: Tampon left in for 3 weeks
Caspered Views: 69,274
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Re: Tampon left in for 3 weeks

First let me say...thank you ladies for being brave enough to share your horror stories. I felt like a complete bafoon before I started reading. I thought I was alone in this! 40 years old, 4 daughters so 4 births and a ton of period cycles! I had been at the end of my cycle and not bleeding so my husband and I had, had sex. That made me spot a little more. So I went ahead and put a tampon in. Clearly I so brilliantly, brain lapsed that I had inserted the little demon spawn.
For several days (at least 5) I was noticing an odd smell. Lifting the blankets to smell them, smelling my husband, smelling the kids, sniffing the air like a blood hound on the case. All to no avail! What is that ghastly smell! It was getting really frustrating!
After a shower one night, it was planned that since the kids had blissfully found their way to that ever so sweet place of slumber, we would utilize our time to have some fun with each other. I am very particular about my ladypart smelling clean, so I reached down and touched it to be sure. When I smelled my hand I was horrified! How can this be? I JUST got out of the shower! I wanted to die. Needless to say, we ended up forfitting the pleasures that layed ahead for the typical cuddle and a movie. However, we had been intimate during the time the above mentioned demon spawn had taken up residency in my birth canal more than once. There was that feeling again, that death had to feel better than this realization... I guess he had noticed that I still smelled slightly of blood. He never complained of the foul, dead alien smell I was experiencing. (I think he just loves me so much he didn't want to destroy my heart) Though after I gave birth to my demon spawn this morning and told him about it, the truth did gently reveal itself from his lips. But still not in the way I'm describing it.
I had also been "leaking" what I thought was dark urine on my panties. I thought I was having bladder issues. When I wiped I saw old blood. But a week after my cycle?! Maybe its a getting older thing, I thought to myself. I never smelled the horrific smell in the bathroom though?!?! Go figure. Then, sleepily once I woke this morning, I stumbled into the bathroom for the morning empty the bladder that has had 5 children bounce off of it, (yes 5, 4 living) as quickly as possible. Much to my surprise I felt something fall out! WTH?!?!?!?!? I must just be sleepy still right? WRONG! When I stood up there it was! Staring me in the face! The DEMON SPAWN! So many questions now spinning in my head, yet so many answers too. What a relief. Thank God it was out and now I understood what in the bloody hell (pun intended) was happening!
Confused, horrified, feeling dirty and small, I of course ran to Google in high hopes of answers and a cure for my deeply bruised ego. Thank you ladies for being that cure! I wish you all the best!


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