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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!
Ryan1111 Views: 26,081
Published: 7 y
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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!

I know this is an old thread.. but it shows up first in various google searches, which led me here. So I wanted to add some important information, as logically as possible.

1 - do not buy into fear based theories. Fear has one purpose, to drive more fear. The fact is that this is not a one size fits all syndrome, it has a very obvious element of self empowerment. In other words there is no magic bullet, no one can "fix it" for you. It involves a fear test, discipline, and yes.. faith.

Ockhams Razor - all things being equal. The simplest solution tends to be the correct one. This is not trans humanism, Conspiracy of governents and doctors and NWO. Those ideas stem from fear and create more fear..

Facts -
1 the earths surface has heated up tremendously the last few decades.
2 - the number of bacteria and simple microbes/organisms has increase by roughly 50% in the last decade. Likely due to the warming of the planet and conditions being good for these organisms to spread.
3 - this is humanities doing. No one to blame but ourselves. We have become a cancer on the planet. The earth is a living being and is in self preservation. Circle of life..
4 - the vast majority of successes out there in beating this have to do with a multi fold change to diet, environment, and emotional mental state.

Simply put, we have to evolve to care for ourselves, each other, and our planet if we want to be healthy and free of these new seemingly incurable maladies.

This is a call to care for yourself, raise your vibration, and leave little to no footprint on the planet in this lifetime. Otherwise the road will be bumpy, very bumpy.

In my opinion the main issue here is spirochetes, as in Lyme. They impact the body in a multitude of ways which is why the symptoms may vary and no cure is the same for any 2 individuals. Because we all have our own garbage to clean out. The spirochetes are just the means to help humanity make the changes needed to evolve with our host planet.

Here are what I see as the rules of thumb to get back to health.

- detox.. bigtime.. we have flooded ourselves with sugar, fat, and carcinogens and chemicals of all kinds. Out of convenience maybe, or laziness. Bad habits (emotional mental spiritual) have to be let go of. I have found 2 detox products that are both simple to use and cost effective. Results RNA line of products for Lyme disease, and Jim Humbles Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Any detox program MUST be augmented by a lifestyle change in diet. You can't take detox seriously while eating snickers and burgers a month later.

Simplify - in environment.. many morgellons sufferers have tendencies toward cluttered environments. And this is a recipe for repeat infestations. Decluttering and cleansing the environment externally has the miraculous effects of cleansing psychologically and spiritually as well. Get rid of everything you don't need.. you'll be surprised how little you keep.. make your environment one that is easy to keep tidy and clean.

Forgive - there is an emotional component to this process.. anger and resentment and all other forms of fear make the symptoms worse. If you don't believe me test it out for yourself. Fear and all of its manifestations create and acidic environment inside the body.. and guess what just loves to thrive in an acidic host?

I'm not sure how many will heed the information here. Eventually everyone living here will have to. The universe has a way of making suffering the ultimate teacher. I truly hope no one here has to suffer tremendously, but sadly sometimes we humans have to suffer horribly before we will actually do anything about it. We have been given a gift. A gentle request to let go of fear and regain our own power..

Love to all.

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