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Re: Another vicitm
Johnnnnn Views: 5,286
Published: 8 y
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Re: Another vicitm

I already tried the leave alone method and yes it went wild BUT its just on a certain part on my bottom lip. Also after a while it looked pretty much the same and it was never as bad as it looked on Daniel Millers pics. Furthermore he had these weird yellow spots on his lips. So it is definitely a different kind of EC, obviously because he is cured and im not haha.

My natural bottom lip always had "two sections". You can see a line between these two and the upper section started to peel.

Also i think its super weird why people still uploading pictures with huge crusts and talking about their peeling circles if you can maintain this condition "as far as possible" with Aquaphor?? Does this not work for everyone or do they refuse to use it for a specific reason? Because with Aquaphor my lips are still tight and look weird but they dont peel anymore. I know that it doesnt cure the disease but its better than nothing.

Oh yes and if its a kind of eczema creams like Protopic would help somehow, but it did nothing.


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