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Accidental Gerd/Acid Reflux Cure?
Ladyorion Views: 5,797
Published: 8 y

Accidental Gerd/Acid Reflux Cure?

I suffered from GERD/Acid Reflux disease for 10 years and hospitalized 4 times for it in that time. Was on ppi nexium and prilosec but it did not cure my problem...just made things worse.
Was also on a diet where caffeine..chocolate...bananas..bread..
tomatoes were eliminated but it did little to help. I don't drink sodas, alcohol or eat junk food. I also stay away from greasy fried foods but the reflux persisted daily. At times quite severe.
Then last year my youngest son baked me a gluten free chocolate cake...(he insisted that it had to be a gluten issue which i had refused to believe since i dont have celiac disease).
And although i was petrified to eat it since chocolate gives me severe reflux (moreso than i was already experiencing).
I relented and had a slice.
What happened next was nothing short of a miracle. My reflux was gone. Not only did i not react to the chocolate but the reflux i was already experiencing before i ate the cake disappeared!
The next week i experimented with eliminating Gluten completely from my diet and to my surprise NO ACID REflUX WHATSOEVER!
I have been "gluten free" for a year now and the transformation has been miraculous. Wheat was the worse offender.
I have not touched Prilosec since and threw away the remaining pills a year ago.
I will never go back to a diet that includes wheat.
Other side effects from going gluten free?
My skin cleared up
I no longer get dizzy spells or vertigo
I no longer feel like iam choking or my throat tightening
I am no longer short of breath
My joints dont hurt
So all this time i was allergic to gluten and it was wreaking havoc in my body.
Keep in mind that the wheat of nowadays is not the same wheat of your ancestors. They have altered that crop significantly in the last 60 years or so.
Sidebar: another discovery i made..when i eat bananas i get reflux but not if they are ORGANIC. So i stick to organic fruits/veggies as much as i can.


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