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Re: My story of hearing my name being called.
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Re: My story of hearing my name being called.

The other night I was in the games room just watching TV with the family and I could hear talking from down the hall (p.s everyone was in the games room that was home) I asked if anyone could hear it, my dad said he could also hear something but wasn't sure what it was saying. This type of stuff isn't unmoral to us we know there are other things out there and we’ve heard/seen stuff before so it wasn’t new to us so we just continued to watch TV and next minute I heard this woman whisper/call my name, it was so clear, I just ignored it acted like nothing happened. Then the night after that I heard it again. It was the same voice but this time she didn’t stop at just my name, I couldn't quite make out what she was trying to say but then it suddenly stopped. I never got chance to answered it back. I know I’m not mental or anything I’m a spiritual person and I didn't feel negativity from this lady calling my name. I want it to happen again so I can respond to it and see what she wants or if she needs help. I'm just curious


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