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Re: curious, please help explain.
RavenHB Views: 128,988
Published: 9 y
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Re: curious, please help explain.

Hey, I was recently looking for answers on why I've been hearing a voice whisper my name. Usually it wakes me up from a dead sleep, or I hear it when I'm laying down trying to go to sleep, and it's been happening since I was about 6. I'm now 20. I have no idea who it is, I don't recognize the voice at all, it's just a woman's voice lightly whispering my name. Most of the time, it doesn't sound threatening, but there has been occaisons that it seems agitated, and mad. And sometimes I hear a man's voice yelling "Get Over Here!!" The mans voice sounds like my dad's. But he's alive. So I don't know why I would be hearing that. Every time I explain it to someone, they just say that I'm skitsophranic. But I'm not. I've been hearing this voice for a very long time. I use to get headaches when the voices wouldn't stop saying my name over and over and over again, or someone saying "end it" over and over again when I was younger. Now all's I hear is my name. I last heard it about 3 days ago.


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