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Image Embedded Microscopic verification
WisingUp Vol 3 Views: 4,144
Published: 8 y
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Microscopic verification

"Thanks, will try to get an usb microscope, but really I don't think it's necessary."

I was serious about attempting to come to grips with what afflicts me.
That, by definition, meant and means.... microscope(s)... for me.

Otherwise it would have been shooting in the dark at an enemy unseen, unverified, unsubstantiated.

As is, there are things going on unseen with this. But getting at what can be seen via microscope was/is important in the battle for one... myself... in getting as much information as possible. This is in the arena of what presents as what is termed, "morgellons," for so very many who have also taken a closer look and taken pictures.


Mebendazole from an Asian country has been by far the best pharma med for my case. From a package:



There may well be more than just mebendazole in the mix. Don't know. Works like a champ.

A side benefit is that something that looked like it might be a skin cancer started falling apart and flaking off.

If a search is done on mebendazole and cancer the results fly in the face of what has been posted at various places on the net... that mebendazole is good for the gut only and doesn't get into the bloodstream.

If it can get at cancer, it gets into the bloodstream.

Interestingly enough, after a link between mebendazole and efficacy against cancer came to light and was shared, the manufacture of mebendazole in the U.S. for humans was discontinued.


Notice that I am not giving advice.

I am sharing opinion, observation, and anecdotal information.

That is all.


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