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Re: my path to healing lupus nephritis
silvaspring Views: 10,823
Published: 9 y
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Re: my path to healing lupus nephritis

Hi, sorry that Ive taken so long to respond to your post, Ive not been on Curezone for a long time. I knew that these foods aggravated my immune system because my urine would be bubbly/frothy, which is a sign of inflammation of the kidney and protein leaking. I experienced a flare in 2013 after a stressful period and was back on prednisone/cellcept, which I am almost off, fortunately cellcept doesn't cause an upset stomach for me. For the past year Ive been making my own probiotic cultured foods including Kefir (coconut), Kombucha and Cultured Vegies, as long as I consume these each day, the kidney disease stays in full remission. The other amazing benefit is that I can now eat animal proteins without experiencing a flare, I think that the probiotics in the cultured foods help my gut to process proteins. Dairy and gluten remain an issue and I eat non processed foods and have a low Sugar intake. Earthing continues to be an ongoing aspect of my health routine. I hope that you are finding your way and getting some relief from what is a very difficult disease,


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