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Re: Parasites. Emergency help
mattk3 Views: 1,763
Published: 9 y
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Re: Parasites. Emergency help

SIBO is small intestine bacterial overgrowth. SIYO is small intestine yeast overgrowth. parasites move around between organs (intestines) and other areas (lymph). The bacterial infection gets into the organs (GI tract) and your gut gets sick.

To prevent this, it is a good idea to cure your parasites of infection, and cure your parasites of parasites. Do this by a progression of natural products, which clear the lymph, blood, and other body tissues of these infections.

Once your body is healthy enough to go after a bigger target (harmful worms). I was able to get myself into a much better place, using minerals and metals. Once in this better place, you have the time to work on parasite issues.

Figuring out which parasites you have, and what to try to do about them, takes time. I went through the full gamut of health issues, and I guess progressed from the obvious to the obscure.

Getting your body into this healthier state helps guide you through the subtle war one rages against parasites.

Also be aware parasitology uses conflicting terminology. Migrans is a family of worms, also a Larval phase of certain parasites. This means you could be infected with Migrans, or your parasite infection Ascaris, is in a Migrans growth phase. This kind of duplicitoususe of terms, makes parasitology an difficult art.

Take 1/3 of your time and dedicate it to doing things that make you feel healthier. If it is a salad, or a bath, these are choices you can make. I like cooking. It takes time, but the body still needs to eat.


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