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Re: Parasites. Emergency help
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Re: Parasites. Emergency help

Yogurt is OK if you are not lactose intolerant. Yes on food items.
Think of it this way: When our pets are sick the vet will often recommend white rice and boiled hamburger. Low fiber gives the guts a rest. Why not us too?
Maybe buy 2 magnesiums. I have a friend who has used 2 at one time. Not sure I would drink both right away though. I still can't get him to stop the wheat, lots of soluble fiber in grains. If it is whole wheat there is also a lot of insoluble fiber.
We can not digest insoluble fiber. But, the often times not friendly bacteria in the colon can!
ps I took the powdered form of magnesium citrate.
When I got into trouble was just after I did the Wormwood , cloves, and Black-Walnut hull tincture. It just made mine mad, they clumped together for protection and they plugged me up.
I opted for the RX. I did not realize how many were there.
I backtracked and figured out when and where, friends dog and I worked on vehicle on ground where dog had pooped. Boy was that dumb. I still thought I was invincible then. Toxocaris, I am sure was my lung (walking pneumonia) troubles for almost 5 years.


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