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Re: Parasites. Emergency help
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Re: Parasites. Emergency help

Thank you. It's 10:09PM here and I'm about to go to my 24 hour supermarket, even though I feel horrible. So, I will stop the fiber (just had metamucil today, will stop). I know about the small bottles of magnesium citrate they sell that empty you out (I believe people are supposed to drink them before a colonoscopy). I thought you were supposed to drink the entire bottle though? I'll check the instructions and check back here to see if you replied (not trying to assume you spend all your time here.)
So No fiber, and I assuming no sugar.
White rice works, I have coconut oil and butter. I suppose I can cook up some burgers (or chicken, that's ok too?) in the frying pan. What about Yogurt, plain? If I can find some with very little sugar, then add some cinnamon?

Thanks. Just in time as I am making my shopping list

- Cat


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