9 y
Parasites. Emergency help
I did my first flush and its a freakshow here. I am not moving my bowels like I should. I used
coffee enemas for a week with good result but then did one, two, no real results. I am bloated and in pain and cant stomach food. I keep using the
Wormwood complex and there is something going on inside me. I wish I could run away from my body right now. I need to get my bowels moving. Anyone feel what they swore were live worms? I am gonna stroke out here, I am so grossed out. I got dandelion tea, drinking tons of water, did the diatomceous earth, but anything that slows down function....cant take it. Im a ballon as it is.
I passed tons of what look like small pumpkin seeds, I figured it was flukes.
I am on probiotics and vitamins and eat fruits, i gotta get this moving. I did not do a
coffee enema yeaterday because it feels like its swelling my colon.
Im in trouble here. Nasuea and pain, I need advice, dont want to go to the ER. I just want this horror show to leave and be flushed away. I had no idea I was this messed up.