10 y
Re: Why did natural therapies not work for Steve Jobs?
I would add that that is my opinion re: investigative procedures! like MRI's
Your take on it can only be your own and gathering information from whatever source you have access is at your discretion.
Re: diet and environment
Do you have mercury fillings?
Do you use aluminium based deodorants?
Municipal water supply - is it chlorinated and fluoridated?
Are you use or are you exposed to household chemicals?
Do you have a partner who uses cosmetics, hair dyes etc ?
Hygeine products - soap, shampoos ?
clothes - washed in what type of soap powder/liquid - fabric conditioners etc ?
work environment - same questions mostly.
Doesnt necessarily have to be something that you have done recently to cause poor health to express itself finally as a tumour.
It is also not inconcievable that children can be born with conditions bought about by a parents poor diet/bad habits that could take half a lifetime to find resolution!