I take cocnut oil on empty stomach, it has the best effect on your body that way. I have never had fish or meat in my life so I do not know what to say, but Google food combining chart, which will tell you what foods can be eaten at the same time. Digestion takes 4-6 hours and stomach empties in 2 hours. Best thing to do is to have mono meals. High proteins are to be eaten in very small amount.
I would stay from sugary fruits for a while till you get your gut flora in balance.
Probiotics can be taken with meals or before. Most of the brands have direction on the bottles. If you take Kefir it is best in the morning with breakfast.
Lemon tea is also best taken by itself. All other vitamins and fish oils can be taken after a meal.
Hope you get rid of this issue soon. I like your spirit about eating this for life.