Re: Confused:( Die-off symptoms or not?? NEED HELP!
I'm sorry if I irritated you. And I'm very surprised that you think that candida can only be cured by IV and injection and cannot be cured orally since the throne of candida is usually in the intestines where IVs and injection can't reach. But I wont argue with you.
I was also irritated by your statement: "Slowsmile ,looks like you do advertisement for sovereign laboratories and etc"
I recommend Sovereign Labs brand because it is the best colostrum brand. I have no financial connection and make no money recommending it. Furthermore I do not have a web site dedicated to me and nor do I sell my own brand of nutrients or recommend nutrients to make money off the back of sick people. What's more, if anyone wants to follow my protocol, as you well know, they can do so for free.
It also seems to me that you have completely the wrong idea about how to treat your candida problem. If you think candida is anything like bacteria or virus then, quite honestly, you will never cure your own systemic candida problem. I even wrote a book about candida to help people understand candida's unique behaviour which was based on how I cured my own serious candida problems. But there's no point giving you the name of the book -- because you'll just accuse me of being an advertizer on this site. And alot of the information in my book is on the link to my blog. That information is also for free.