wow some story, why did they lock you up for. Now that s tough. I hope nothing bad happening to you. You dont deserve it. Know does. there is no away to fight back, they can do anything to you and get away with it. Thats how the system is. If you try to stand up for your self they will attack even more. Not just you but your friends or family or maybe your work. Theres no nope but to avoid such a situation if you can.
I would love to read your blog and thats great you cured yourself! amazing. how did you do it? when did your problem start and how long have you had it? I had mine over 2 decades and counting but recently i been getting better. All i had to do is change my diet. but so hard to keep such a diet. to tempted to foods i should not.
It seems from your comment you have a tough life, so did i and ever one else on this forum. Life is not fair. I cant believe such a disease exist. I guess we should happy that it could be worst than it is. ok thanks for your comment. and good luck on your research.