THIS is pictures of a strongyloid molt you can see the skin and cocoon of the strongyle. This is the same pictures and conclusions of pictures and discussions in vet manuals. The dr in article identified it as strongyloide. There are over 50 species of strongyles and countless unidentified species. The animal drs have done more to identify and categorize parasites than any cdc or the like. Know your enemy because if you think morgellons is a new kind of parasite than it might be a strongyle of known or unknown origin. strongyles carry bacteria as they bore thru your large and small intestine. the fibers of strongyles are well documented and so are the legions but once again the info I seeked was found in vet manuals. But then again knowing a vet was a blessing . VET diagnosed me and armed me with the info I needed to understand what I am fighting. ICUS PROTOCOL was key to eliminating most of my enemy. Only scary part is learning that some strongyles can be resistant to most anti parasitic meds.