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Re: Home remedy cure for Bartholin’s Gland cysts/abscesses
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Re: Home remedy cure for Bartholin’s Gland cysts/abscesses

Thank you so much for the home remedy! Unfortunately, for me I'll have to wait to try it tomorrow since I do not have all the ingredients handy. I have been struggling with these cysts/ abscess for about 9 months. I've already had 4! When I noticed my first one back in May, I cried. I thought I was growing a testicle! Haha. Through some quick research I quickly found out what it really was and went to the doctors. I was put on Antibiotics and hydrocodone for the pain. Both of which did nothing. After about 4 days the pain was so unbearable laying down was a chore, and don't even get me started on trying to walk to use the rest room. I was bed ridden, in pain, wordering how the hell I ended up with this thing! It finally burst that night while I was asleep and what a relief it was. After it healed I thought I'd never have to deal with it again until it came back twice in August. This time it wasn't quite as bad, but again I was on Antibiotics and doing Epsom Salt sitz baths, which I think worked for the most part. It didn't burst, it just slowly went away. Well now this is the 4th time and it is even worse than the first time. It's been 5 days since I started Antibiotics and no progress. I can't do sitz baths, as I physically cannot get out of bed. I would not wish this on my worst enemy! Most painful and depressing thing I've gone through. I feel hopeless knowing that they are reoccurring. Any other remedies or tricks, I am willing to try!!!!!


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