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Re: Almost Every Emotional Disorder Can Be Healed!
Heavensky Views: 2,657
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Re: Almost Every Emotional Disorder Can Be Healed!

It is not only possible to heal traumas from childhood like I and millions of other people have through hypnosis, but they can regain a happiness that is even more powerful than the one they initially had before the disorder began. I am not saying that this is possible for everyone, because as you have mentioned, so many environmental factors come into play, but almost everyone.

I was suicidal every single waking hour of each day for eight years of my life; I was told by everyone that the deep-seeded emotional traumas I was experiencing from childhood couldn't be resolved, only managed with drugs, and talk therapy for the rest of my life. I tried every single treatment, therapist and drug known to man, and although they helped to manage the symptoms, they failed to deliver in any powerful way.

Hypnotherapy was my last chance at healing, and it delivered in a more positive and powerful way than I ever imagined would be possible. That is when I started researching the real cause and solutions to psychological disorders, and since then, have come to a solid conclusion that this 'disorder' labeling and management system is the most crooked business that could exist. The fast, permanent solution to 90% of sufferers problems is right under their nose, but are being steered away from it, and into a residual income model of 'prolonged management' where a never ending supply of drugs and chats with a psychologist (who by the way are the most clueless and suicidal among all of us) are required. The system is sick, broken, sadistic and evil.

Every time we day dream, we are actually in a hypnotic trance, and every time we drive our car, we are in a hypnotic trance as well. Most of the time when we are day dreaming of our problems, which would include unresolved emotions for traumatized individuals, we are subconsciously going into a trance and trying to clean off these old imprints and conditioning from our 'hard drive' (subconscious), but because we don't understand this feature nature has built into us, called hypnosis, we fail to make any progress in healing. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, which is like the computer mouse of a computer, designed to be used by it's owner to click on and delete the 'viruses', 'cookies', 'history', and 'cache' from it's hard drive. It is very simple, fast, permanent and powerful.

Hypnotic trance is experienced by every person on this planet, dozens of times per day, yet we are told by the mainstream propaganda machine that it is some form of witchcraft, black magic, or voodoo. Maybe parents should be notified that expecting their kids to be bad and convincing them they are is in actuality a form of black magic and destructive hypnotic conditioning. I'm sure they don't understand that, but would gladly tell you all about the dangers of healing your subconscious with hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a tool; although it was designed by nature to be used for healing, like a knife is for making dinner, it can also be used in destructive ways. Hypnotherapy though, is much harder to use in a destructive way - in order to cause damage to a person's emotional orientation via hypnosis, trauma based conditioning or negative beliefs systems and affirmations must be used. I have never come across a therapist who tried to carry out this kind of damage on their clients, and good luck finding one. You could always call up the average parent on your block; they can tell you all about how to turn an innocent child into a raging monster by repeating hypnotic affirmations and pile driving destructive beliefs into their subconscious by punishing, yelling at and belittling them, while projecting their negative intentions and expectations onto them.

You see, I would say over 90% of the traumas people endure during childhood are implemented through hypnotic conditioning, using trauma, like yelling and threatening or physical abuse. The conditioning is stored on the human 'hard drive', which is the subconscious mind. To try to delete that conditioning using drugs or even natural medicines, is like trying to clean the viruses off a computer's hard drive by just covering up all of the anti-virus's pop up warning ads with a marker to pretend as if they're not there, or just talk about them. It is a way of blissfully ignoring the root cause, and using a client's pain and suffering to create a residual income stream business model.

Most trauma based conditioning which leads to disorders is hypnotically INduced, therefore they MUST be hypnotically REduced.

Note that many physiological blockages and disorders have an effect on brain chemistry, especially liver congestion, but 9 out of 10 people who I follow through the de-conditioning process via hypnotherapy are no longer suffering, and have rebuilt the lives they always wanted.

To health, happiness and truth ;)




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