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Re: Feel like ending it
Heavensky Views: 2,060
Published: 11 y
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Re: Feel like ending it

I'm sorry to interrupt here, but I am obligated to when someone is enticing you to end your life,

You DO NOT have to end your life to put an end to your suffering. One thing I know for certain at this point is that if a problem arises in nature, nature has a solution to fix it.

I will help you; I healed myself of extreme Depression and anxiety. I never thought this day would come where I am actually, truly happy and free, but it did, because I never stopped searching.

Have you carried out a Liver Flush yet?

If you feel as hopeless as you do, your subconscious is most likely also disrupted with emotional retention of sadness, hopelessness, some Depression and or anxiety.

Hypnotherapy allows you to clean off all of these old emotions from your hard drive and start fresh. That alone will revitalize your zest for life and will to persevere through this challenging time.

I am almost certain that your candida is a result of bile duct congestion and indigestion. The entire body suffers when food putrefies before exiting - it allows a breeding ground for candida and bacteria to flourish.

Let's walk through this together my friend; if I was able to come out of what I did, you can get through this.

Always feel free to contact me at any time,

To your health and happiness,




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