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Almost Every Emotional Disorder Can Be Healed!
Heavensky Views: 3,820
Published: 11 y

Almost Every Emotional Disorder Can Be Healed!

I know for a fact, through first hand experience that almost every single emotional disorder can be healed.

This conclusion has been made through hundreds of years of combined practice in hypnotherapy and Liver Flushing testimonials.

For conventional medicine to create the general consensus that disorders are somehow genetic, permanent or incurable is a crime through the eyes of universal justice.

Not only are emotional disorders curable, they are actually some of the easiest conditions to cure if the person is ready and willing to work on them self.

I have witnessed and read over thousands of cases of severe depression, where after just one to five hypnotherapy sessions, their disorder vanished, literally over night.

Almost ALL emotional disorders, including the deepest suicidal Depression and anxiety are a result of hypnotically induced, destructive belief systems, trauma imprints, and the negative emotions that come as a result of them. The human operating system has a hard drive, just like a computer, which creates software programs or viruses, saves information and creates 'pop up ads' and 'alerts'.

At the root of every emotional disorder, there are dozens of destructive beliefs, such as;

-"I am a very bad person"
-"I am not worthy of love or attention"
-"I am stupid"
-"The world is a dangerous, scary place"

There are hundreds of different beliefs that can be downloaded onto the hard drive which then result in hard core emotional reactions, constantly popping up every time this 'virus' or belief is triggered.

Every time we experience a traumatizing event, the hard drive will also download a fight or flight response, which may remain intact indefinitely, unless deleted.

Imagine owning a computer and never carrying out a hard drive cleaning, (ie: clear cache, cookies and history) - this is the result of misunderstanding hypnotherapy. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis - a natural application built into every human being.

Depression is mainly the result of any combination of emotions being layered upon one another and turning stagnant, as a result of constant suppression, rather than expression.

Science has now discovered that every time we are day dreaming, we are literally in a hypnotic trance.

Most of the content reviewed during a day dream for most adults involves issues from the past or present, as a result of a 'virus' ridden hard drive, corrupting the way we perceive life events and sabotaging relationships and careers etc.

When we are in this day dream 'trance', we are subconsciously trying to bring up old, destructive programming and delete them, but because we don't understand or know how to use this feature nature has built into us, we are unsuccessful.

Hypnotherapy is attempted dozens and even hundreds of times per day, without even knowing it.

By going to a highly experienced hypnotherapist who truly understands the subconscious mind and how disorders develop and resolve, you are on your way to discovering a new life, that is free of emotional disturbance and full of peace, love and freedom!

I know this because I was healed of extreme anxiety, paranoia and Depression through hypnotherapy. I tried every single treatment, medicine, diet and pill known to man, but nothing gave me enough relief to even consider it as a way out.

I used 'emotional release techniques' for six years, but because I wasn't addressing the belief systems that were causing the emotional reactions that I was trying to release, it was a never ending process of elimination.

One day, being completely exhausted from constantly trying to discover, surface and release each negative imprint, I decided to try hypnotherapy.

The therapist told me casually that she could reduce my anxiety by 50% in one session, without hesitation. I was very skeptical, because the release community had convinced me that hypnosis only reprogrammed over the old programming, causing the issues to become more embedded into the subconscious.

During consultation, she explained how there are several different types of hypnosis and that she neither believed in reprogramming for the same reasons. She explained that in order to heal, the subconscious needs to be DEprogrammed, rather than REprogrammed. She was right; in the first session, my anxiety reduced by over 60 percent.

Ever since that day, I have continued working on deprogramming my subconscious mind, and the results have been better than what I expected.

I am now a free man - I never thought this day would come!

Ladies and gentleman, do NOT let anyone tell you that your disorder is incurable. They have no idea what they are talking about, and or have been trained by the industry which has everything to gain by teaching them that drugs and or life-long talk therapy sessions are the only answer.

They are nothing more than a residual income model to increase profit margins each year, as they are legally obligated to by their shareholders, and that is it. I am sick of seeing my piers be trampled on and lied to in the name of a profit.

If you are serious about healing yourself, feel free to contact me any time or day of the week.

The two things you need to get started on are;

1) Hypnotherapy (De-condition your subconscious)

It can be done over the phone, and I know a highly experienced and educated psychotherapist who offers this service if you need a referral. If you know of one near your house, be sure to ask lots of questions to get an understanding of her approach. I would steer clear of NLP and reprogramming through affirmations.

2) flush your liver and gallbladder of congestion;

Hardened clumps of bile congest the ducts of the liver and gallbladder just like wax builds in our ears. It happens to everyone, the question is simply how much have you accumulated. Most of the congestion is cholesterol-based, rather than calcified - meaning they are not dense enough to reflect ultrasounds. I highly suggest you buy a book explaining this epidemic and the flush procedure. Also, become familiar with and read through the Liver Flush section of this website, as it is well populated with well-meaning people who have the experience to help you.

Freedom and peace of mind is closer than you think,

To your health and happiness,



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