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Update: 2 days after FMT. So, way too early to make any definitive claims in regard to my Seb Derm. I should note that I'm aware that there doesn't seem to be any studies involving FMT and Seb Derm, however, as mentioned, my particular case of SD manifested a few days after consecutive multiple rounds of Antibiotics and has been afflicting me for years since.
Anyway, something noteworthy, albeit unrelated to my Seb Derm..
I haven't had an" ideal" bowel movement since my SebDerm nightmare had begun. I wouldn't necessarily call it IBS, and absolutely nothing like C-Diff, but I've been dealing with stools on the more watery and dark side ever since all of this started.
Literally the Day After my FMT ordeal, I produced hands down the most epic porcelain offering that I have seen in years. I figured maybe it was a fluke. So far, after a couple days since the FMT, each and every "passing" is utterly perfect in color, texture etc. If there were a BM magazine that existed, these creations would indeed at least be in the running for the Cover.
WhiteShark: I had never even heard about FMT until you enlightened me. It was admittedly pretty gnarly, but I literally cannot believe what's gojng on with the stool thing. I won't be making any Seb Derm "Cure" claims until I introduce every single problem food that I used to have no issues eating, without flare up for at least a period of two months. However the FMT has absolutely done wonders so far on my gut as far as quality stool production is concerned, which already has made it worth it. Straight up Amazing so far.


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