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I have been drug free now for 10 years
hanna Views: 5,859
Published: 11 y
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I have been drug free now for 10 years

Yes you can. I was on zoloft, wellbutrin and an amphetamine plus 3 other prescription drugs. I started flushing every 2 weeks since I had a gallstone. After several flushes I felt much better, less sluggish. I went to see Andreas Moritz and he told me as long you take drugs you will keep making stones. I flushed for several years at the end more maintenance. I also started to eat healthier.
After 10 months I slowly started reducing the drugs. This might not work for you but keep doing flushes, the liver is such an important organ.
I have been drug free now for 10 years. If you ever try to get off drugs do it very slowly, even if it takes a year.
People have told me going off these drugs is not easy, I feel just lucky that I did not have side effects.


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