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Excellent Article 2 Days Ago in the Chicago Tribune
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Excellent Article 2 Days Ago in the Chicago Tribune

The Paleo Diet eliminates all sugars.  And don't forget that carbs are converted to glucose (type of sugar) in the body, which just adds fuel to the fire if you're consuming too much sugar. Eliminate processed foods containing sugars, eliminate sugar, sweeteners and high GI foods.

This article was published in the Chicago Tribune just two days ago.

Scientific Team sounds the Alarm on Sugar as a Source of Disease

"The common belief until now was that sugar just makes us fat, but it's become clear through research that it's making us sick. For example, there's the rise in fatty-liver disease, the emergence of Type 2 diabetes as an epidemic in children and the dramatic increase in metabolic disorders."

"more than half of the U.S. population is sick with metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and liver disease that are directly related to the excessive consumption of added sugars in the Western diet."

"Consuming too much sugar causes the level of glucose sugar in the bloodstream to increase. That, in turn, causes the pancreas to release high levels of insulin that cause the body to store extra calories as fat."

""People are becoming literate about the toxic effects of sugar," Schillinger said, "and have more understanding of the idea that high doses are bad for one's health." He sees evidence that those in a higher socioeconomic bracket are taking steps to limit intake of sugar when compared with poorer, less literate people."




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