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Re: HIV undetectable
david1o1 Views: 14,120
Published: 10 y
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Re: HIV undetectable

Where are all the complaints from the many thousands of users?
I have not complained that a zapper can be dangerous (except maybe for the heart beat if used while sleeping or for the skin if used unsafely)
What i have complained is that you suggest that your devices can kill parasitic worms but after all these years, after all these sales, you have not provided one objective proof. Most people have most likely used several treatments at the same time so they may believe that your zapper managed to kill parasitic worms but how can they be sure if they have used several treatments at the same time ? answer : they can't !

The only whining and fussing that I see is from those who have not even bother to try.
I have probably done more tries, with more different electric signals, with more intensity, during more time, than most of your customers... But here is the difference : i have used only one treatment at a time and when i have used only a zapper, the only thing it seemed to do was to help kill some small larvaes, but not the adult worms.

Sorry, keep looking.
if you are honest about your results, please provide some objective proofs and the properties of the electric signal that you have used so that some of us can replicate your experiments.

No, I do not.
yes you do.

I have never claimed that they always work. For anything!
worse than that, you have claimed or suggested again and again that your devices were efficient to kill parasitic worms and after all these years, after all these sales, you have still not provided one single objective proof.

It is very rare that anyone asks for a refund, even on our cheaper products that are less effective than our best products.
it could mean that your customers have enough money so they don't care about it, or don't want to spend the time to do it, or believe that your devices are efficient enough to kill parasitic worms when they have use several treatments at the same time, or are still hoping that someday it will be efficient enough.

Even if my products were only 1 percent of the success posted in the first post of this thread, I am proud of what I can do to help those who are in need.
i agree with you and i would do the same, that's not what i have a problem with. I have a problem with unjustified claims and vague suggestions.

This is just not true. They trust me to be fair and honest. I am both.
read your previous posts and try again...

I provide a good warranty and a good money back guarantee. These policies are posted on the website where our products are sold. On top of that, we have an A rating with the Better Business Bureau because we have never had a complaint filed against us in our history.
that's not the problem... You are probably a good electronic engineer, a good programmer, a good seller with a good support service, that's not the problem !

You constantly badger me trying to get me to do things that will land me in jail. It would not surprise me in the least bit to find out that you were an FDA agent in disguise.
yes being a little sceptic and a little critical and asking for a few objective proofs with details about the properties of electric signal probably means that i work for FDA... Or it means that i am a little sceptic and a little critical and that i want a few objective proofs with details about the properties of electric signal so that we can trust you more and help you more to spread a useful and efficient alternative treatment. But you seem to be more interested about sales and money than about the progress of this technology...

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