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Re: Home remedy cure for Bartholin’s Gland cysts/abscesses
kwhealer Views: 90,539
Published: 11 y
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Re: Home remedy cure for Bartholin’s Gland cysts/abscesses

THANK YOU for sharing this information. After having 2 marsupiaisatin surgeries in the past, I thought my days of Bartholin gland abscesses were over. Then 4 days ago an extremely large one appeared over night. After 2 very painful days without an success with sitz baths, I was becoming desperate for relief. I really didn't want to go back to the doctor and experience the pain or embarrassment that entails! (I had 1 doctor explain to me the proper way to wipe, as if I wasn't aware and I was somehow to blame for this horrible cyst!) Then I found your post. It was so reassuring to know that other women had experience this and that it could be healed without being cut on once again.

I didn't have any Calamine lotion or Witch Hazel but I remembered that Castor oil was used to shrink pimples. So I took a round flat cotton pad and soaked it with the Castor oil and added 2 drops of Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil). I only use CPTG essential oils especially in such sensitive areas! I began to drink lots of water with fresh lemon to get my bodies PH back in balance, I took an Emergen-C to boost my immune system and decided a day of rest was required.

After 3 sitz baths as hot as I could stand (20 minutes each) with Epsom Salts and an entire day of keeping the cotton pad on and simply replacing it every so often with a fresh one, THE CYST DRAINED!!! It was instant relief. If only I knew about this sooner I wouldn't have suffered for so long. My cyst was so large I couldn't even it properly. If this worked on me, it will work for you. Please don't suffer another minute!! Give this a try.
Best of Luck,


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