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What is your modified method for getting a most successful flush with a lot of stones.
husky333 Views: 1,429
Published: 10 y

What is your modified method for getting a most successful flush with a lot of stones.

ok, can i just start by saying. i have done 2 successful flushes.where both produced like 500 stones.
But unfortunately since then i have not been able to do them again. i have been flushing for 2.5 yrs.

BUt when i did those flushes i drank 2 ltr of apple juice a day for 3 weeks. And i really dont want to do that again.

what is you modified method for doing a successful flush while getting a lot of stones.???

does going on big break like 2 months increase results?

unfortunately im the type of person that needs to do them every 2 weeks. as i get worse if i dont. but i never have much success getting much out.

Iv heard some people on here, just fast for a day then drink a modified conoction with coke and everything in it!.

and some poeple drink masses of apple juice in one day, and then the olive oild n grapefruit.

What is you BEST method for an absolute successful flush, more successful then anything???? and what is the prep leading up to it??? fruit all week>>>???

please could someone help, as im suffering from a myriad of problems. brain fog and everything imaginable.

oki thanks for reading!

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