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Re: Thick Mucus stuck to back of throat?
ldowning Views: 191,087
Published: 11 y
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Re: Thick Mucus stuck to back of throat?

I know this thread started a long time ago, but I though I'd give it a try anyway. I have much the same problem and have for a number of years. I've had two sinus surgeries and the second one was a complete failure - the surgeon removed all of my turbinates leaving my sinuses too open and they dry totally out - but at least I don't get sinus infections nearly as often as I used to, just sniffle all the time. This was about 14 years ago. My problem got MUCH worse after a year long bout with sinus infections and bronchitis last year and never got much better once I kicked those. Now when I blow my nose not much comes out, but I have to sniff hard, then swallow to get the thick mucus to go down, which is immediately replaced by more. It's embarrassing because I work with the public so I know they notice. It's worse when I'm lying down. I've tried mucines, but it only helps a little. Makes it a little thinner, but there's just as much. My current ENT can't figure out why this is going on. Anyone have any suggestions for things I can do to reduce this, especially at work?


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