This is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing that is just coming to light now
I had a lot of those symptoms and more, they are from stress. Some of those things are low thyroid. A thyroid can still not operate correctly but not show on test. Some doctors will dose on symptoms rather than just test. You might want to visit the site Stop The Thyroid Madness. As a result of thyroid going in and out you get yeast. Your adrenals are also trying to make up for the thyroid and handle all the stress so now they are sturggling to keep up. They release cortisol with increases yeast.
Your brain is living in a stressed state. Stress will cause more acidic body. I found when my body was stressed it released cortisol. Cortisol in turns releases more acid in your stomach irritating the stomach lining and causing gut imbalance. Minerals will help you be more alkaline. I was so sick I didn't get out of bed much, there were very few foods I could eat or vitamins or supplements I could take. Vitamin B & C are very stimulating causing you to release more cortisol. Fresh frozen aloe without
citric acid a tiny bit of ginger, bone broth and gelatin help my gut balance out. Caution a lot of ginger can be stimulating for the thyroid to gauge yourself if you try it. Turmeric can help the stomach and probiotics are good. Eliminate caffeine and
Sugar as well as most carbs except for brown rice, this too helps calm the adrenals. .
At one point I too would look in the mirror and be horrified. I couldn't look at a bottle of shampoo without thinking negative thoughts. I couldn't drive, watch tv, read or go to the grocery store without my body freaking out. I would eat tons, of what I could eat, and I was a stick. I would write everything I ate or took down and every reaction by body had for a long time to try and figure out the magic pill to take. I could not get ahead of what was going on with my body. Finally my doctor figured it out and this is what worked. This is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing that is just coming to light now. It's reversible but you have a sort of brain damage from the stress.
The brain gets hooked on stress and anxiety if it's prolonged. It's like a drug addiction for your brain. It's starts building new neuro pathways to keep it up. Our brain puts needed body process on hold and our health starts going downhill which in turn causes way more stress. The worse we get the worse our stress gets in turn making more symptoms. It creates a vicious cycle and we have so much anxiety because of it.
What my doctor suggested and what I started doing is brain retraining to build back my happy neuro pathways and turn the stress ones off. I started doing that and started seeing changes. It was slow but after a long time I am now 90% recovered!! For some it doesn't take as long but remember I couldn't leave the house much at first.
Brain retraining its about repairing your Limbic System and letting it know that it doesn't need to react that way anymore. I did that by dwelling in positive happy joyous thoughts. I know it sound like hokum but it's based on neuro science. It's been a miracle for me I can now be on Curezone again because months ago I had to quit looking up stuff, talking or thinking about my health because it was causing me so much stress. I had to get rid of all negative, stressful, or thoughts of worry in my life because each thought like that causes you to release the stress hormones and they in turn cause the symptoms.
There were very few supplements that helped me. L-theanine and GABA are very calming to the brain. I did do them off and because I am not sure if the brain gets dependent on the GABA and cuts down on natural production. It does take about 5 days for the l-theanine to kick in fully. Xanax did help me and I take it off and on. Most recently after I recovered alot I take Lexapro.
Sea Salt also helps support the adrenals but make sure you get potassium as well. There is a good amount in coconut water and that will help your gut as well.
As far as brain retraining look up Limbic System imbalance. Annie Hooper has the information on the program I did but it's $$$. There is also some books you can read to get the same idea of it.
I really feel for you and know how horrible this all seems. My first bought of issues started after a breakup. My best friend was going through the same and her issues just started one day after long time relationship stress. One day she just started having tachycardia which stress her out more and then her health plummeted.