Re: Anyone have experience with GI Effects stool tests or other functional medicine stool tests?
It definitely changes your entire thought process... and about everything.
The other night when it felt like something was stabbing or piercing my chest and I got dizzy, I thought for sure I was going to die... I never fought to breathe and to not fall over like I did then. Normally I panic and freak out, but I somehow pulled it together because I didn't want to drop over in front of the little ones. I was afraid to sleep that night and last night.. then it made me realize that this just might be beyond the scope of fixing it myself... it's beyond taking medicine to kill it and then pooping it out later. this is a lot more serious that anyone thinks.. if i do have a worm or worms inside my organs that are going to flip out and do whatever the hell happened to my chest and made me poop blood for 2 days a week or 2 back when i took that first dose of fenben. and if my doctors don't find them or evidence of them, there are no words for how screwed i truly am. then i sit and wonder if i do die or die in the process of trying to treat it myself, am i going to end up on the news as some side show freak when they do an autopsy and find what i've been trying to tell them all along? are my kids and family going to be embarrassed ? are they infected too and face the same fate? i sit and cry like 10 times a day because it's a very helpless feeling... i haven't had a good cry in a few years but this is different. i'm scared more than sad. i've sort of gotten used to the squirming feeling i get in my bottom and in a way, glad i'm still feeling it because i'm hoping a doctor will be able to SEE something.. but when it really starts getting really squirmy and active.. like tonight i ate some fried rice from the chinese restaurant.. i haven't eaten more than yogurt and liver detox tea in days.. so i wanted something that would be simple and wouldn't help feed a parasite... just the vegetables and rice was all i ate and for some reason that made the squirmy feeling 100 times worse. so then i get get upset and freak out. i don't know why it happens like that and it's frustrating because it feels like it's sooo close... like if i could just go use the bathroom or do an enema, i could flush it out.. but it doesn't help. i've found nothing in the bathroom and enemas only seem to flush out candida and mucous. it's so close but so far. i haven't felt my chest acting up all day (thank god!) so now i'm afraid once i settle down and try to sleep, that's gonna start up.
it's ridiculous