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Re: my path to healing lupus nephritis
srinivas.eedara Views: 20,208
Published: 11 y
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Re: my path to healing lupus nephritis

My name is srinivas from AP, INDIA. I have a friend who was diagnosed with SLE, one and half year back. From then she was using the prescription given by doctors, I heard those are steroids. Only one name I could remember is Wyslone. Her pains have not decreased, but instead side effects were more due to these medicines. Indigestion, gastric pain, head aches, omitings, restlessness etc., Her joint pains are present daily. Some days bearable and some days unbearable. One month back, she had blood flow from nose. The doctors told it was due to heat.

From 15 days, her feet, under eyes were swollen and didn't decrease. She had the doubt of Renal infection and had blood and urine test done. The doctors told that it is Renal infection and need to conduct Biopsy to determine the stage of Renal damage. From one week, her Blood pressure is not coming to normal. The doctors say that if the blood pressure is high, biopsy could not be done. She i sin hospital now waiting to have the biopsy done.

I have been doing lot of study on the treatments in the internet. I have read a sentence which says, " Many SLE patients die of Renal infection, and this is the more severe of all complications in SLE". This makes me so sad, because i love her so much and want to marry her. But this disease is ready to wipe all our dreams away and I am really scared.I request you to explain me what are the best options for her treatment? The side effects from the medications are really damaging her inside.


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