Re: Need help to cure cândida. I'm new.
I disagree with many things here but don't have a cow because I take
Iodine as well...
If you cannot eat bread or
Sugar from time to time then you are not cured of whatever the problem was, if it was candida or something else causing candida. Healthy people can live on road food for a while within limits and then of course everyone needs home cooked food too. But young college kids and healthy adults absolutely can eat some junk food, and that is the proof that they are in fact healthy.
Actually that's how you know you're cured, because you can eat some junk food and your body has the resilience to withstand it. An old time healed schooled me on the truth of that and he was totally correct.
I still have candida but I can eat bread and some
Sugar sometimes so I know that I was really healing deep down through what I did to cleanse the gut. Still got a ways to go though. Maybe coffee enemas
One bowel movement per day is not healthy man!!! How can you say this? Yeah sure compared to people who cannot go every day it's miles and miles better but one per day is not healthy. Three per day is healthy, period. One for every meal.
Anyways I agree with you about treating the cause so you're on the right track but I'm not sure where you got some of you infos.
I think I also disagree with 'boosting'. Yeah when you're sick you want to do whatever you can to get well, but ever hear of the old saying 'what goes up must come down?' I tried allot of boosting herbs and things and really they just made me worse and I'm not talking about
Iodine which is a nutrient, but stuff like echinacea or eating like 5 steaks a day because it's high in vit. b, etc, you get the drift. Just my 2 cents take it or leave it.
And yea brazilguy I agree with you sort of, you should look for a cure not go half ass. I think if we seek a full cure it is a way to honor ourselves and not settle for second best, just my opinion.