I'm so sorry that you had that experience and that you sound as if you've been able to process what had been done to you.
Male rape is one of "those subjects" that doesn't get a whole lot of insightful discussion OR sympathy - like the poster above, many (if not, most) people try to connect rape with their understanding of what it's all about, and what generally happens, and they have absolutely NO frame of reference to refer to.
Even women experience cllmax during rape - this doesn't mean that they enjoyed what had been done to them, or that they "wanted it." Physiology is physiology - rub a specific spot and BINGO.....
So, your rapist reaped what was sown, and I'm so sorry that your innocence and view of romance was ruined, and that the rapist was such a sick individual.
I am grateful that you're able to speak/type about your experience with insight and maturity.