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Image Embedded Carbohydrate Consumption Trends Fueling Obesity and Diabetes TypeII
fectoid2 Views: 2,951
Published: 11 y

Carbohydrate Consumption Trends Fueling Obesity and Diabetes TypeII

 "During 1971--2000, the prevalence of obesity in the United States increased from 14.5% to 30.9%."

"During 1971--2000, a statistically significant increase in average energy intake occurred.  For men, average energy intake increased from 2,450 kcals to 2,618 kcals, and for women, from 1,542 kcals to 1,877 kcals. For men, the percentage of kcals from carbohydrate increased between 1971--1974 and 1999--2000, from 42.4% to 49.0%, and for women, from 45.4% to 51.6%. The percentage of kcals from total fat decreased from 36.9% to 32.8% for men and from 36.1% to 32.8% for women. In addition, the percentage of kcals from saturated fat decreased from 13.5% to 10.9% for men and from 13.0% to 11.0% for women. A slight decrease was observed in the percentage of kcals from protein, from 16.5% to 15.5% for men and from 16.9% to 15.1% for women."
"The decrease in the percentage of kcals from fat during 1971--1991 is attributed to an increase in total kcals consumed; absolute fat intake in grams increased. USDA food consumption survey data from 1989--1991 and 1994--1996 indicated that the increased energy intake was caused primarily by higher carbohydrate intake. Data from NHANES for 1971--2000 indicate similar trends. The increase in energy intake is attributable primarily to an increase in carbohydrate intake, with a 62.4-gram increase among women and a 67.7-gram increase among men. Total fat intake in grams increased among women by 6.5 g and decreased among men by 5.3 g."
"...during 1971--2000, mean energy intake in kcals increased, mean percentage of kcals from carbohydrate increased, and mean percentage of kcals from total fat and saturated fat decreased."


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