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Image Embedded War on saturated fat is over
fectoid2 Views: 3,108
Published: 11 y

War on saturated fat is over

The war on dietary fat may finally be over, as scientists now concede they were wrong to say saturated fat was unhealthy for the past four decades, Time magazine trumpeted. The admission vindicates the high-fat, low-carb ketogenic, Atkins, and Paleo diets, whose proponents have said all along that eating fat does not make you fat.

Time said the 40-year demonization of saturated fat as the cause of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease was based on flawed data, citing a March 2014 Cambridge University study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine

“It’s not saturated fat we should worry about," said cardiologist Dr. Rajiv Chowdhury, lead author of the study. "It’s the high-carb or sugary diet that should be the focus of dietary guidelines.”

Dr. Chowdhury joins a growing list of medical experts to dispel the myth that saturated fat is the cause of obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease. A high-carb diet — particularly one high in sugar and refined carbs — is to blame for these illnesses, he said.

Cardiologist Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, said a low-carb, high-fat diet reverses type 2 diabetes and prevents heart disease.

According to obesity experts, a high-carb diet promotes disease and weight gain by causing pro-inflammatory spikes in blood glucose and blood insulin. By limiting those surges in blood sugar, we dramatically reduce inflammation, which is what fuels disease, they say.




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