Thought this might be befitting to add, cause I don't have mercury Amalgams in my mouth, but had metal crowns when I was a kid. One of which came off in a snickers and all this nasty tasting stuff came out of it. My gums are discolored in some places, and I always wondered why, because I brush everyday, and floss regularly. Well here's possibly why. http://vipdentalcareblogdotcom/2014/02/some-people-have-a-tattoo-and-dont-even-know-it/
Just replace the word dot with a period (can't post links yet).
The tooth has since been removed because it gave me problems. This may be the cause to my morgellons. What I want to know is how does it cause M, and how does the enviroment around you get contaminated? My hair is officially a mess and coming out in droves. Just bought some DE today though will see if that helps I've read a couple places it does. Can't afford a zapper yet.