that question did take me way back, to a "pre-rife" time for me... I went to see a really skilled chiro who did kinesiology testing. I had a long list of possible infections and parasites that I wanted to test for... to figure out what the hell was going on with me...
i tested positive for more than 2/3d's of them (and probably had all of them). first i had a melt down, then told myself that she was just wrong, that it couldn't be true... so stopped seeing her. well, she was right on most of that testing probably... but i would have gone broke getting her treatments... still managed to dump a lot of money on other chiros before doing rife. the modest outlay in rife equipment is nothing compared to what i spent on holistic chiropractors... who helped, but they were simply not able to help the really tough issues, and were very expensive.