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Re: Home remedy cure for Bartholin’s Gland cystsabscesses
bettybroo Views: 137,349
Published: 11 y
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Re: Home remedy cure for Bartholin’s Gland cystsabscesses

i had my first bartholin's nightmare about 2 yrs ago. it was awful. things never went completely back to normal, but i was okay until yesterday. both times this happens when i can't do anything other than the e.r.. so, being desperate, i improvised your remedy. i have a product with the same active ingredient as calamine, i had witch hazel, but no tea tree oil. i did several hot sitz baths with epsom salt, and did the cotton ball thing after. it burned a bit. when i went to use the bathroom this morning, i found blood and thought i had gotten my period. but i'm pretty sure it was stuff that came out of the cyst while i was asleep. the relief i experienced overnight was amazing. i don't suffer from this condition chronically, so i don't know if it's advisable for everyone, but it has definitely helped me. super hot, Epsom Salt sitz baths (4 @10-15 min.), and one time with the witch hazel and calamine for at least 30 min. once a day.). i'm am so relieved. to all of you strong women who suffer with this; you have my sympathy. this is some nasty bullshit. nobody should have to deal with this. good luck, ladies! xo


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