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Re: FILARIASIS: Filarial Nematode Roundworm Infections
kuriousity1111 Views: 3,164
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Re: FILARIASIS: Filarial Nematode Roundworm Infections

Hi there. I have been dealing with this crap since 2008. If you google "US AIRFORCE infectious disease protocol", there is mention of blood being drawn at a very specific time of day, I believe it was between 2-4am or something like that, or the Filaria are almost guaranteed not to be circulating in the bloodstream. Print out the protocol & show it to your Doc. If they refuse to help, because "the lab is closed," or whatever, find a DO. that treats parasites via "empirical care." I have one in Denver. Also, my Filaria is Schistosomiasis-based. I have been taking Biltricide. I just tried (last night) dissolving a tablet in a cup of water. I took a mouthful and switched around and gargled for as long as I could. I repeated it several times and drank the rest of the glass. Guess what... It immediately went to work on my sinuses, ear canals, throat, and facial skin. I am going to keep it up.


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