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84.5 lbs to lose. Trying something different here.
catchtheislands Views: 2,717
Published: 12 y

84.5 lbs to lose. Trying something different here.

I started a fast type weight loss plan I developed 4 days ago.
I don't know if its candida or allergies or both. I had bad habits much of my life and losing weight was all but impossible.

Down from 268.6 to 261.6 this AM with all of day 4 to go.
I feel incredible.

Trying a saltwater flush this am. Its been about 5 minutes and I can really feel things moving on through...
Good lord!

Basically water every two hours
Protein shakes every 3 hours (to keep from metabolism from taking a dive and avoid muscle loss) Low carb (under 6 grams & high protein 20 grams or more, two scoops)
Snacks are olives and pickles and only after 2pm because they are low or no calorie high taste food.
Then brown rice, with spinach and turkey cubes bowl for dinner, which you are extremely grateful to have haha

Its working and its fun. I am learning a lot! Getting this weight off once and for all before I turn 40. I've been battling with allergies and bloating for years. It almost feels like I am full of water not fat. My joints and bones ached. Skin was horrible. Periods were a nightmare. I literally was bedridden with pain and crazy.
We shall see if that clears up.
I feel like this is good and its something I can maintain.
Whatever is making me sick and huge has been eliminated from my diet and I will add things slowly as I reach my goal.

Join me!
lets sell our gat clothes on eBay together!


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