Did u check ur LIVER?? We need FATS in very moderations ONLY.
I DOUBT u fixed ur candida coz even I have it and I went for 14 days Water Fast which means NO food for candida any sore but I did Not kill it completely (though had Bad die off effect of it all over my neck, chest and back (!!).. U canNOT kill candida for 10 days. NAH.
Still WONDERING about ur liver and gallbladder thing.. Di u check it?? Did u do any Tests on Presence of Candida or just rely on Purely of How u feel after ur seriously Weird fast??
Seriously, why did u get BSA for this Not Proved Experiment !! And the worst thing is Now many ppl will rey to go for it...
If u took a Piss of ur body for YEARS with Wrong food and had CANDIDA... in NO WAYS u can cure it for 10 days.