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What is this skin rash?
  Views: 1,783
Published: 12 y

What is this skin rash?

I've googled around and haven't seen many things like it. A few cases of worms underneath the skin have sort of resembled it. I have asked many doctors about it and as usual they say "it's normal everyone has it blah blah..) To me it looks like a worm/worms under my sins.

Awhile back I put Selsun Blue on it and left it there for an hour. When I removed it you could see a raised red line within the "rash." Why in god's name will doctors not recognize this stuff? What the hell is going on?

Anyway, do any of you have an idea what this could be? It's been there for years by the way. I also have to take antihistamines daily or my legs will itch insanely and scratching doesn't help.

I tried to enhance the area to show the pattern of it better...


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