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Re: Overcoming and Curing Your Candida Problems
slowsmile Views: 19,730
Published: 11 y
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Re: Overcoming and Curing Your Candida Problems

 Another good method, but quite harsh, is to take laxtives once every 4 days. I would recommend Philip's Milk of Magnesia to get rid of candida throughout the intestines. Not only will MoM kill the candida with its high alkalinity but it also helps to dissolve and remove candida and bacterial biofilms rapidly. 

But even taking a laxative(or enemas) is no guarantee of getting rid of candida permanently from the body. Enemas and laxatives will only act locally in the intestines to get rid of candida. So it really depends on whether your candida has already morphed or changed into the fungal or disseminated form of candida. If you already have this fungal form then it will infect the blood, tissues and organs. So will laxatives or enemas -- which will only ever have action in the intestines to get rid of candida -- also get rid of the fungal candida form which may already be in your blood? If you only have candida yeast in your intestines(and do not have the fungal form) then laxatives or nystatin will probably get rid of it. But if you've had candida for years and years then it is much more likely that you will also have the disseminated fungal form which infects the blood outside the intestines. Therefore laxatives, enemas or nystatin will not work and the candida will just keep returning -- because you still have the fungal infection outside the intestines which will act continuously to re-infect and re-populate the intestines again. 

Read the blurb from the link to Theramedix. This blurb says that the cellulase also digests chitin. The most important aspect of Theramedix  is that it contains fibrinolytic enzymes(protein digesting) that will successfully digest and dissolve biofilms. This digestive action completely de-cloaks and exposes the candida and other bacteria hiding in the biofilms which may then be more successfully killed and eradicated using anti-microbials like lugol's iodine, borax or turpentine. So who needs chitinase anyway ?

Also LI, borax and turpentine act throughout the body to kill fingus -- these nutrients also act bodywide to kill both the yeast and fungal forms of candida -- they don't just have action in the intestines. Nystatin only acts in the intestines to get rid of candida because it is so poorly absorbed into the body. That's why there are no IV or injectable forms of nystatin which also has quite a high toxicity profile. 




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