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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!
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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!

I have been dealing with this over 2 years now. I am better. try to move out of your apartment, if you can't, you will need to do a lot of cleaning. Buy bags for storage, pack your cloths in the bags and suck the air out with the vacuum. they are selling those special for vacuums, I got mine on ebay, that dont leak the air. Separate a few sets of cloths only for a few day's use. Laundry: Put your cloths in the washing machine, put borax and detergent soak them for one hour, to soak, stop the washing machine and put bottles of water for weight in there to make sure everything is in the water. that is the trick. you have to make sure all is under the water. wait one hour and then put the washing machine on. use the dryer, then clean after you use. I do not have towels, i use paper towels and throw them away after i use. the same laundry goes to the blanket, you have to make sure all is under the water. clean the house, you do not need steamer, or iron. I do not think it is bugs, after 2 years of having this, I came to a conclusion it is a fungus. It does feel like bugs, because of the crawl sensation. it is not. treat it as a fungus or mold.You will need to change your mindset on this. you will see later you will feel better. wash your hands before you eat, so it doesn't get inside your body. Put gloves to cook. clean the counters and all with just a papertowel and regular lysol spray. treat your body with vaseline, I mixed my vaseline with sulfur, that is what made me better, I d wrap with a plastic wrap and slept like that for 2 months. anything you touch, gets infected and they reproduce by themselves and spread like that. you will get better.

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