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Antibiotics Shown To Damage Human Cells
Dr.Jeff Views: 3,054
Published: 12 y

Antibiotics Shown To Damage Human Cells

Antibiotics destroy all the bacteria in the body within 5-7 days, leaving space for the antibiotic resistant strains to take over and fungal candida to flourish. Additionally, they lead to priming the brain for a lifetime of inflammation that can cause rapid aging and neurological diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, MS, ADHD, and other conditions. Antibiotics have also been associated with autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Now, in the study below, we see that they can also directly damage DNA, proteins, cell membranes and lipids.

"Clinical levels of antibiotics can cause oxidative stress that can lead to damage to DNA, proteins and lipids in human cells, but this effect can be alleviated by antioxidants,"

Kalghatgi and Spina then did a series of biochemical tests, which showed that the same three antibiotics damaged the DNA, proteins and lipids of cultured human cells -- exactly what one would expect from oxidative stress.

The results mean that "doctors should only prescribe antibiotics when they're called for, and patients should only ask for antibiotics when they have a serious bacterial infection," Collins said.

The team also treated mice with the same three antibiotics in mouse-sized doses similar to what patients receive in the clinic. Long-term treatment with each of the three antibiotics damaged the animal's lipids and caused levels of glutathione, one of the body's natural antioxidants, to fall -- another sign of oxidative stress.

To make a difference in the clinic, however, the scientists still needed a way to prevent antibiotic-induced oxidative stress -- or a way to remediate it as it was occurring. They found both. They were able to prevent oxidative stress by using a bacteriostatic antibiotic -- an antibiotic such as tetracycline that stops bacteria from multiplying but doesn't kill them. They could also ease oxidative stress by mopping up chemically reactive oxygen molecules with an FDA-approved antioxidant called N-acetylcysteine, or NAC, that's already used to help treat children with cystic fibrosis.

MDs act as though there are no risks with antibiotic use and freely prescribe them to their patients. This demonstrates a serious lack of understanding of the body, physiology, and the use of medications. Antibiotics cause SIBO and an MDs choice for treating SIBO is further antibiotic use. There is no concern for the lifelong damage that antibiotics can create.

Start reversing the effects of antibiotics with the Candida Plan today!



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