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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!
braveheart007 Views: 93,333
Published: 11 y
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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!

OMG somee that is some crazy cleaning you have going on. There is no way in hell I could ever clean like that. I would cripple myself and would need tranks!! I've been clean and sober now for over 7 years though so not an option. I like my borax/bleach/dawn soap/etc. etc. baths every night and I don't have fleas or beetles or whatever so maybe mine just is a fungus like the lab said. A common fungus that everyone has. Like the demodex mite. Everyone has it just is the population overwhelming the immune system so yhea my little black lint/fiber looking fungus that never moves nor has wings or any other stuff I can see is getting less and less. It is just itchy a bit sometimes and causes some rashy/hives/ Acne on occassion. I'm not sure maybe I'm in denial but I am going to keep trying to raise my ph and eat really really well and continue with just internally and externally cleansing. I do use an athletes foot cream now all over my skin but I can't clean my whole world like that sorry. No time, no money and little interest to be honest. Good on you though. :)
ps- i did have mice for many months and they didn't die, well one did sort of eat/kill the other one eventually. Nasty buggers. I have no problem kiling mice. I actually had to brain a rat in a trap last summer as it only got caught by the nose in the trap and was flopping around it was awful but I can still kill critters/vermin if I have to. Racoons, deer, squirells, rats, mice, fleas, mosquitos etc. etc. can all go as far as I'm concerned. One day I will too such is life. I'm ok with it. :)

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